Cultivating friendship between the USA and Tuscany

through cultural, social and educational activities

4th July 2022

On July 4, 2022, the American Independence Day was celebrated at Harry's Bar Garden Villa Medici in the presence of the American Consul in Florence Mrs. Ragini Gupta and numerous local Authorities, testifying to the close relationship with the Association to the US Consulate and to the entire American Community present throughout the Tuscan territory.

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The TAA Association celebrated the Independence Day of the United States of America on the 4th of July at the Gran Caffè San Marco. During the event, Professor Giglila Sacerdoti Mariani of the University of Florence gave a lecture entitled "Life, Freedom and Happiness in today's America"

Some pictures of the event:

WhatsApp Image 2021 07 05 at 12.38.55

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4th July 2019 Independence Day Florence

On 4 July 2019, Independence Day will be celebrated in Florence at the Great Cloister of Santa Maria Novella, with admission from Piazza Santa Maria Novella 18 starting at 7:30 pm. It will also be an occasion to celebrate together the 200th anniversary of the American Consulate in Florence.

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Video by Serena Caponetti and Davide Aiello

The Tuscan American Association, together with the City of Florence, organized a large institutional event for the attribution of the Tuscany - USA Award, given to two winners, one Tuscan and one American, who made a significant contribution to strengthening friendship ties and relations between Tuscany and the United States.

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TAA investire per crescere 2019

On February 15th 2019, in the Sala delle Feste at Palazzo Bastogi, together with the Regional Council, the "Toscana-Usa, Usa-Toscana: Investing to grow" convention took place on the occasion of the bicentennial celebrations of the American diplomatic presence in Florence. At the Conference opened by the President of the Regional Council of Tuscany Eugenio Giani, the Vice Mayor of the City of Florence Cristina Giachi, The President of Confindustria Firenze Luigi Salvadori, The President of Confindustria Toscana Alessio Marco Ranaldo, the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence and Vice President of Unioncamere Nazionale Leonardo Bassilichi.

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museo ferragamo

Tuscan American Association has visited the "noble floors" of Palazzo Spini Feroni and the Ferragamo Museum. It was an opportunity to pay tribute to Mrs. Wanda Ferragamo, sadly missing on October 19, 2018 and who had been rewarded in 2003 by TAA for having contributed as an entrepreneur with her commitment to strengthening relations between Tuscany and the USA.

museo ferragamo

The visit started from the wonderful rooms on the first floor of Palazzo Spini Feroni starting from the historic "Sala Consiglio", the "Sala della Musica" and covering the narrow and fascinating corridors up to the "Sala Blu" and the "Cappella" admirably frescoed by Bernardino Poccetti.

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memorial day 2018

MEMORIAL DAY  Commemoration - May 28, 2018 - Florence American Cemetery and Memorial

Participants are expected to include: Ambassador of the United States o/ America The Honorable Lewis M. Eisenberg, Deputy Commanding General, Army National Guard, U.S. Army Europe Major Generai John L. Gronski, Commander of the lnstitute /or Military Aeronautical Sciences Major Generai Stefano Fort, Consul Generai o/ the United States o/ America in Florence Benjamin V. Wohlauer.

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