Cultivating friendship between the USA and Tuscany

through cultural, social and educational activities

The traditional U.S.A. TUSCAN AWARD CEREMONY 2022. took place on Thursday 20 October 2022 at the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, chaired by the Presidents Maurizio Mancianti and Andrea L. Davis with the participation of the Vice Mayor of the Municipality of Florence Alessia Bettini and the Consul General of the United States in Florence Ragini Gupta.

welcome day 2017 palazzo vecchioCelebration of the Welcome Day 2017 held on October 25th in Florence at salone dei 500 in Palazzo Vecchio with the participation of the Deputy Mayor Cristina Giachi, of the US Consul General B. V. Wholauer and of the co-presidents of the Tuscan American Association Onlus.

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w-day-2014-palazzo-vecchioOctober 8 was held in the Palazzo Vecchio ceremony Welcome Day 2014 in the presence of the Ambassador of the United States John R.Phillips and the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella. Were present at the chairman's table Andrea Davis and Federico Frediani.
The awards TAA have been attributed to Polimoda chaired by Ferruccio Ferragamo and Steven M Altschuler of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

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Independence Day 2014

Some moments of the celebration for Independence Day 2014 took place in Scandicci at the park of the Castle dell'Acciaiolo with American students. Here retracts the Co-President Federico Frediani with students from Harding University and a partner of Tuscan American Association during the celebration has performed a portrait on canvas of President Obama.


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tacchino-thanksgivingDinner hosted to celebrate the feast of Thanksgiving, which was held November 26, 2013 at the Palazzo di Parte Guelfa in accordance with the typical menu of this occasion when the turkey takes on the characteristic element.

TAA-women-22-02-2013Friday, February 22 2013, the Professional Women’s Committee of the Tuscan American Association, with the patronage of the Consulate General of the United States of America – Florence, Italy, held a conference in the prestigious and welcoming Sala Ferri of the Gabinetto Vieusseux at Palazzo Strozzi, dedicated to professional women and businesswomen called: “Courage and the Challenge for Women in the XXI Century: war, business, professions, love”.  Andrea Davis, Esq., chaired the conference, which was opened by Dott.ssa Cristina Giachi, Councilwoman for the City of Florence, responsible for Equal Opportunity.

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006TAAparty12-12-2012Feast of wishes held at the U.S. Consulate December 12, 2012 in the presence of the Consul General, Mrs. Morrison, the two coopresidenti the TAA Federico Frediani and Andrea Davis, as well as the mayors of the towns of Greve, Scandicci, San Casciano and Pontassieve.

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Presentation TAA Onlus


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