Cultivating friendship between the USA and Tuscany

through cultural, social and educational activities

TAA-women-22-02-2013Friday, February 22 2013, the Professional Women’s Committee of the Tuscan American Association, with the patronage of the Consulate General of the United States of America – Florence, Italy, held a conference in the prestigious and welcoming Sala Ferri of the Gabinetto Vieusseux at Palazzo Strozzi, dedicated to professional women and businesswomen called: “Courage and the Challenge for Women in the XXI Century: war, business, professions, love”.  Andrea Davis, Esq., chaired the conference, which was opened by Dott.ssa Cristina Giachi, Councilwoman for the City of Florence, responsible for Equal Opportunity.

The Consul General of the United State of America in Florence Ms. Sarah Morrison was the guest of honor and a speaker, who spoke with much emotion of examples of emerging empowerment, using the women in Liberia and Afghanistan as examples. Dott.ssa Giovanna di Bartolo, psychotherapist and honorary judge at the Court of Appeals of Florence, spoke of violence in couples and the “pathology” of misunderstood love, and the president of the Tuscan Delegation of AIDDA (an association for businesswomen and female corporate managers), Dott.ssa Marta Ghezzi, spoke of her personal experience as a corporate president.
There was a lively discussion with the participation of an attentive public, and the conference concluded with a buffet in the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi.

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